Hurricane Florence has dissipated, but it left a path of destruction in its wake. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered the loss of family, their home and their job. As home builders in Ocala, FL, we have been paying close attention to this hurricane and the ones lined up behind it. We’ve been fortunate that the flooding hasn’t affected our area, but those who live in the Carolinas have not been so fortunate.

There are few things worse than a natural disaster such as a hurricane. Even if you home was undamaged by wind and rain, the floods can ruin a foundations or take the house off the foundation if the water is high enough. In addition to wind and rain, many residents are without power. Hopefully, you have weathered the storm.

There are many ways to help those who have been hurt due to hurricane Florence. You can give blood, your time or money. All of these things are needed now so please don’t hesitate to help out if you are in a position to do so.

Of course not all charities are reputable so be careful which ones you choose. Organizations such as the Red Cross and Salvation Army are great places to give since they are well know and trusted. In addition to those well known organization there is also Team Rubicon – a group of military veterans who go out and help with hurricane relief in the field. Currently they boast nearly 10k volunteers. There’s also the ground Americares which focuses on health during disaster relief. Your donation to this group will help fund emergency medical supplies and equipment needed in the area.

Don’t forget the pets that have been displaced or lost due to Hurricane Florence. Both the Humane Society and Charleston Animal Society are great places to put your dollars to help the pets that will need to be fostered until they can be reunited with their families or if necessary find a new home.