When it comes to building a new home, it’s essential to ensure you love every room. It’s a pretty big investment, after all! For some, that can be easier said than done, especially when it comes to the kitchen. Luckily, designing the kitchen of your dreams doesn’t have to be so hard. To help you get started, we’ve gathered four great tips to help you create the perfect kitchen for your new home. Check them out below!

1. Take Stock of Your Cupboards

Creating a beautiful, yet functional kitchen design means having enough space to store small appliances and equipment, food, and other kitchenware. One way to identify the right size and type of cabinetry for your kitchen is to take inventory of what you already have on hand. Here are a few things to consider while taking stock of your cupboards.

  • Do you prefer to stock up on canned or frozen food?
  • How much room do you need for your spice collection?
  • Do you usually buy family-sized products or buy in bulk?
  • Where do you store food for pets?

2. Be Honest About How You Clean

Cleaning up after using the kitchen is undoubtedly the least fun part of cooking, right? It may come as a surprise but your cleaning habits can actually impact your kitchen design. From storage needs to selecting a countertop, how you clean plays a part. If you prefer to wash dishes by hand, you’ll need a kitchen design with extra counter space to let them air dry. Know your countertop needs to stand up to frequent spills? Opting for a nonporous quartz countertop over granite is the way to go.

3. Identify Your Cooking Habits

What kind of cook are you? Are you the type to just throw dinner in the microwave or are you the type to whip up a three-course meal? How often you cook and the way you cook can give you insight into your kitchen design. With a clear understanding of your cooking habits, you’ll be able to ensure your kitchen has adequate counter space to work, as well as enough storage for cookware and equipment.

4. Analyze Your Shopping Habits

Analyzing your shopping patterns will help you determine how to set up your kitchen. This is especially important for planning the placement and structure of your pantry. Ask yourself the following questions about your grocery shopping habits.

  • Do you tend to stock up on staple items like canned vegetables or baking supplies?
  • How often do you shop for fresh produce?
  • Do you shop daily or as needed?

Ready to design the kitchen of your dreams? Triple Crown Homes is here to help! Contact our team to learn more about our home building process.