If you’re new to home building, you might wonder what the benefits of concrete construction are. While not every home should be constructed with concrete, the homes in Florida are good candidates the process for the many advantages it offers.

Building your home with concrete has many advantages – it’s fast, affordable and allows for a great amount of flexibility while it sets. Depending on the environment, additives can be added to make it set faster or slower which allows the material to be worked with easily.


Concrete is affordable. The materials used in concrete – water and aggregate and some added chemicals, are abundant and affordable. Because it starts as a liquid and turns into a solid it can be mixed and poured on site or preformed and hauled to the site. Fireproofing isn’t necessary reducing costs even more.


When building a home with concrete, difficult corners or unique shapes in the design can be easily accommodated due to the liquid nature of concrete before it sets. Concrete is extremely strong and can be made even stronger by adding steel to it. Strength and durability is important in Florida where hurricanes occur.


There’s no need to wait for fabrication, when building with concrete, it can be poured right away. Today’s concrete sets fast and dries quickly making it an excellent choice when you want to build a home in a shorter amount of time than a traditional wood framed home.

Energy Efficient

Homes built with concrete are energy efficient, not to mention sustainable. Many times it can save you 3-9% in energy costs.

Pest Resistant

Homes utilizing concrete construction are more pest resistant, especially to termites and other bugs that burrow and consume wood products.

Low Insurance

Homes built with concrete are less expensive to ensure because they are fire resistant and weather resistant.

If you’re thinking about building a new home in Ocala, FL or surrounding areas, and are wondering about the advantages of various building materials and would like to learn more, please give us a call at 352-351-0444, we’ll answer all your home building questions.